关注者 ツ



Diu, my holiday is damn damn damn boring! Nothing to do, i want go trip, i want go shopping!! But nobody wanna to fetch me go -_- Luckily i had watch 2 amazing movie : Step up & The 3 stooges, omg! How nice! who haven watch those movies, i suggest you have a look! They really a great movies. :D
PMR is nearer, omg! i haven do my revision O.O First trial get bad result, so so so sad :( Have to work hard! God bless me!



Seriously, I had forgotten I have blog ;X Already one month didn't update my blog @@ Having teacher's day celebrate at Friday, we was having a performance that day. I'm the best, the song we perform. Here the video's link >>> I'm the best by Beaconhouse Sri Lethia Senior 1, 2 and 3 I don't know how to download, haha! Ignore me keep busy with my hair =.= Boys one I didn't have the video! Nobody post it! Damn sad :( And my Senior 5's friend had made a video with our picture, very nice! I like it! Here the video's link also >>> Friendship My family is having a mother and father's day celebrate tonight, Steamboat and Bbq! :D OMG, my weight will keep increase already! Oh no! God bless me :(

Happy Holidays and enjoy! I have a boring holidays! :'(


Bigbang ` Show Lo ♥

最近好多新歌听呐 ~\(≧▽≦)/~
尤其是羅先森的 [不具名的悲傷]、這首已經被我狂 Play 了 ! o(>﹏<)o
大愛這首 ! 歌詞好有意思、喜歡 ♥

我投降 能不能把记忆关上


還有 Bigbang Fantastic Baby ` Bad BoyBlue ♥
這三首我都超喜歡、好聽到爆、愛慘 !

超口耐的 ! 而且 Fantastic Baby 的 MV 超屌的 , Damn Cool ;> ♥
每天都在狂 Play , 傻了 -3- 

够了 - 卓文萱
想飛的自由落體 - 卓文萱
微加幸福 - 郁可唯

都是 小資女孩向前沖 的歌 , 好好聽 !
誰還沒看 小資 的還不快去追、好挺慘了 ! 超多笑點的 ! :D
最近準備要追藍正龍主演的 粉愛粉愛你 .
很想好多人說好看呢、所以就想去看下 .. 不懂好看嗎 ~

前兩天是我老爸的生日呢 !
在這裡祝他生日快樂、身體健康 ♥

*下下的更新 , 不然快发霉了 XD


Busy's Life ~

读书 ` 补习 ` 考试 
真的超累的 ! 尤其是今年 , 累垮了 o(>﹏<)o
没有时间追戏和小说了 , 不可以啊 ! 
也没有时间出街了、好可怜呢 ╭(╯^╰)╮

PMR , 老实说 ` 我真的超讨厌你的 ! (╰_╯)#
都是因为你、害我都没有时间做我想做的东西 .
而且如果成绩那不好 , 还要被骂 ! 
真的超可怜的、我哭 ~~~~

虽然我很讨厌你 , 但是你还是那么厚脸皮的想跟着我 .
所以我决定勉强接受你、我一定要拿到好成绩啦 !
可是我还有许多的练习簿还没做 ╮(╯▽╰)╭
都是我老姐买给我的 , 我快崩溃了 ~~~

呜呜呜 ~ 邱欣茹、要加油啦 !! ~\(≧▽≦)/~
我一定可以的 ` 努力奋斗 , 加油 ♥